
Account Instantiation

In order to interact with the API, you need to create an instance of EchosignAccount, which will allow you to send/retrieve agreements, documents, etc.

Note that this module does not handle the OAuth process, gaining an access token must be done outside of this module.

from pyEchosign import *

token = 'My Access Token'
account = EchosignAccount(token)

# When the access token is refreshed
account.access_token = 'new access token'

Sending Agreements

from pyEchosign import *

account = EchosignAccount('')

agreement = Agreement(account, name='My Agreement')

# MIME type is optional - it will be inferred from the file extension by Adobe if not provided
file = TransientDocument(account, 'To be Signed.pdf', 'some bytes', 'application/pdf')
agreement.files = [file]

# If your document utilizes merge fields, you can specify which fields should be merged with what values.
# If you have no idea what this is, just ignore it - it's not required :)
merge_fields = [dict(field_name='some_field_name', default_value='some default value')]

recipients = [Recipient('dude@gmail.com'), Recipient('i_sign_second@gmail.com')]

agreement.send(recipients, merge_fields=merge_fields, ccs=['please_cc_me@gmail.com'])

Retrieving Agreements

This method retrieves the most recent 9 agreements from the account. A query can be specified to search through the account’s agreements.

from pyEchosign import *

account = EchosignAccount('')

agreements = account.get_agreements()
>>> Some Agreement Title

agreements = account.get_agreements('query')
>>> 'Some Agreement Title with the Word query In It'

Manage Agreements

You can either cancel an agreement, which will make it still visible on the user’s Manage page, or delete it which removes it entirely.

from pyEchosign import *

account = EchosignAccount('')

agreements = account.get_agreements()
agreement = agreements[0]

>>> Agreement.Status.OUT_FOR_SIGNATURE

# Still visible, but no longer waiting for signature

>>> Agreement.Status.RECALLED

# and now it's gone